Thursday, April 15, 2010

TellMyPolitician | Be Heard

TellMyPolitician | Be Heardthis is my error message every time at both addresses .is it more who is at the address.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

drugs and human rights - Alcoholic Anonymous | Google Groups

drugs and human rights - Alcoholic Anonymous | Google Groupsthis is part of my story that i am trying to tell people so they may see that addicts are human and deserve their right to take drugs given back by the state that stole their god given rights from them in order to have them powerless and ruthlessly exploit them.

Friday, April 2, 2010

my video

this is meant to try get some publicity for our cause but like all things i do only me and probably a few senior police sit around and watch it and they are only waiting for me to get pissed off enough with them treating me like shi tso that i do something stupid and spend the rest of my life in jail, but i think i am near the end of my shelf life already so i may have to truely horrify those that are giving the orders as a lesson to rotten cunts every were on the abuse of power because you think your victim is unable to act against you personal i think that would be divine Justice on those that exploit the weak.

in reference to:

- Video 5 Video (view on Google Sidewiki)

How long does it take to break an addiction?

How long does it take to break an addiction?i can't give but a guess on any of these questions.but with addictions some never get better if society wasn't so judgmental and the laws so vicious with addicts and it was legal most would recover fairly soon in my opinion because they wouldn't be held by things other than the drug to many are held by a need to deal or the lifestyle the glamor in a negative sense and excitement of cops and robbers and the mystery and secrecy of the whole illegal drug scene i myself may of given up if it was not for the constant harassment of the police .there is no greater incentive to doing something than being told you can't so a couple of times a day i would delight in being right and proving they didn't own me.

try this web site if the cops will let you

this is the australian speed party the party that will serve and protect drug users and cigarette smokers from those know it alls in canberra who think they own us and think we can't fight back against them .i have only one thing to say to them WRONG.

in reference to:

- our declaration - australianspeedparty.googlegroups | Google Groups (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who uses METH? SUPRISE! how about a Nascar Driver!

Who uses METH? SUPRISE! how about a Nascar Driver!well i can't see why any one cares what a nascar driver takes its not a physical sport as such if drugs are bad he wont do any good anyway ( OH SHIT)what there terrified of is if top nascar drivers all use speed everyone will want some, just to go for a drive to the shops. and will argue in court that they should be allowed to take drugs guess those detectives at chatswood that chased me in my Honda civic and couldn't catch me in their v8 might be thinking of a diet supplement along those lines, coz i have lost that many cops in chases that if i ever had a decent car i could do exactly what i liked until they eventually caught me in traffic some racing is about man machine synergy and performance enhancements to both should be OK by nascar i certainly can tell you i am greatly benefited by being fuel injected, that's why the world wants us chained to their pathetic drab average world .bright stars like myself make them look stupid on every level and they burn with resentment and want to get me back for what? being better taha them i can't help that i would offer them a hand up but every time you do that in life they take your hand and try pull you down rather than lift themselves up ,remember this or you will learn it hard from experience.

Who uses METH? SUPRISE! how about a Nascar Driver!

Who uses METH? SUPRISE! how about a Nascar Driver!well i can't see why any one cares what a nascar driver takes its not a physical sport as such if drugs are bad he wont do any good anyway ( OH SHIT)what there terrified of is if top nascar drivers all use speed everyone will want some, just to go for a drive to the shops. and will argue in court that they should be allowed to take drugs guess those detectives at chatswood that chased me in my Honda civic and couldn't catch me in their v8 might be thinking of a diet supplement along those lines, coz i have lost that many cops in chases that if i ever had a decent car i could do exactly what i liked until they eventually caught me in traffic some racing is about man machine synergy and performance enhancements to both should be OK by nascar i certainly can tell you i am greatly benefited by being fuel injected, that's why the world wants us chained to their pathetic drab average world .bright stars like myself make them look stupid on every level and they burn with resentment and want to get me back for what? being better taha them i can't help that i would offer them a hand up but every time you do that in life they take your hand and try pull you down rather than lift themselves up ,remember this or you will learn it hard from experience.