Thursday, November 26, 2009

we realy need some help with this project please communicate our existance to your freinds and family - jesusandchristianlivingfoundation | Google Groups

we realy need some help with this project please communicate our existance to your freinds and family - jesusandchristianlivingfoundation | Google Groupsplease join our group we lack any expertise on the internet and we have no money all we realy have going for us is a desperate need to help people in need to find their way to the light in a world of control and oppression.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site

Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site

YouTube - The Nature of Our World 5/5

YouTube - The Nature of Our World 5/5

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

God: Drugs - crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice

God: Drugs - crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice

Drugs - crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice

Drugs - crystal methamphetamine, tina, crystal meths, krank, tweak, ice: "June 2006, with possession punishable by up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine.oh how this society despises the happy and wants everyone neurotic and sedated like themselves,well it will be over their dead bodies if the want to limit my horizons coz i can't stand their belief that they know everything and are always right if that were true we could see they were right and agree and would not need torturing into agreement like they currently do .their pretence at being right is a con job on the ignorant as its all about control.

Crystal meth made class A drug [BBC Jan 2007]
Montana Meth Project"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

God: Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site

God: Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site

Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site

Google Friend Connect: Add social features to your site-->

About Me

i am the messiah i am here to get my people free from the slavery the state has inflicted on them as a punishment for being sick with the illness of addiction.